Happy Mother’s Day
Parenting is one of the most exhausting, challenging, wearisome, unappreciated, often lonely, and emotional things you can do as a human....

NeoMoral Imperialism
There once was a day where Christians winced at the — once progressive — notion of “coexist.” You remember the bumper stickers. I...

What do I say to my friend when their church says homosexuality isn’t sinful?
I live in West Michigan, the Reformed Meca of the United States, also a - formerly - highly conservative region of the United States. We...

Event though Jesus is actively giving commandments, it isn’t about following the law. It never was.

Love is Lov(ing Your Neighbor as Yourself)
“And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the...

The Well Clothed Emperor
Mitchell Leach | Sunday, December 9th, 2019 Reading the bible is like golf. There are those who know the mechanics of a proper swing....