A Reflection on Psalm 137
Do you want to understand how one of the darkest passages of scripture could actually be a beautiful song for the church?

How did Jesus understand Scripture?
This may be a question you’ve never asked before but it’s extremely important to understanding Jesus, the Old Testament, and God’s...

A Reflection on Psalm 82
Have you ever gotten a big head only to be knocked down immediately? The kind of whiplash that makes the words “pride comes before the...

Is Inerrancy an Essential Doctrine in Christianity?
Preface First, the intent of this article is not to defend scripture from an apologetic[1] perspective. I don’t intend to appeal to a...

A Reflection on Psalm 50
Take a minute to read Psalm 50 before you read this reflection. The loudest sound you may ever hear is the sound of God’s people...

Reflection on Psalm 22
Who hasn’t felt like David in this Psalm? It’s conflicted. It's ruthlessly honest. It's hopelessly hopeful, and yet it isn’t willing to...

Jonathan Edwards: Why you should know him and thank him (if you could)
Jonathan Edwards may have been the most important American pastor, in terms of his impact on the theology of churches in America today....

Why “Let’s Go Brandon” is an anti-Christian phrase
Can a Christian say, wear or promote the phrase, "let's go Brandon?"

Who controls your future?
Why do we worry about events that are far beyond our control?

As much as death can hurt, what God has planned far out ways the temporary pain of today. What we learn is that God is sovereign, and the st